Mgc26133 Fanfiction Wiki
Post Season 3
Season 6, Episode 7
Written by Mgc26133
Episodes List Transcript
The Fight that Never Ends
Ebb and Flow

When a Friend Calls is the 7th episode in Season 6 and 117th overall.


When Misao's new attempt at reaching out to Bonnie gives a result, Bonnie and the gang are faced with a difficult decision to make. Elena's encounter with Klaus leads Tatia to witnessing a side of him that she so far remained oblivious to. In an effort to make faster progress, June takes matters into her own hands and attempts something dangerous. Meanwhile Caroline receives a tip that Gwen is still in town and searches for her, but her behavior leads Damon to thinking something's awfully wrong with her. Misao sets out to fulfill an old promise, but things don't go as planned. Finally, June delivers some game changing news. Stefan also appears.


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Tatia and Elena were headed to a door. When they got close enough, the door opened and Misao appeared.

Tatia: "Here we are. What is it?"

Misao: "I've been thinking.. Maybe I'm doing this the wrong way."

Elena: "Doing what?"

Misao: "Trying to contact Bonnie." (to Tatia) "You're a witch and.." (to Elena) "'re a friend of a witch. So maybe if I'm to contact with Bonnie, you guys are the connection I need."

Tatia and Elena looked at each other.

Tatia: "Makes sense."

Elena nodded.

Misao: (to Elena) "Besides as a doppelganger in flesh, you might amplify my spell's power, or be the voice inside Bonnie's head. Whichever works to lower or break her guard."

Elena: "I'm in. Let's do it."

Misao: (nodded, then took Tatia's necklace from her pocket and handed it to her) "You're gonna need this."

Tatia: "I won't be knowing what I'm doing. I'll only get in the way."

Misao: "Look, everything that I tried has failed, and I've ran out of options. We have to think outside the box." (saw that Tatia was hesitating) "You'll get the hang of it. This is your talisman. And I should focus on my own power."

Tatia paused for a while. Then took her necklace.

Bonnie was in her bathroom, brushing her teeth. After she spat the toothpaste and looked back at the mirror, she saw Elena's reflection behind her.

Bonnie: "Elena!"

She turned quickly excited, but Elena wasn't there. She looked around in confusion for a while. Then shook her head slowly, indicating she thinks she must be imagining it. But when she turned back to the mirror again, Elena was still there. She paused in confusion. She quickly looked back again, but there was no one in the room. It was almost like Elena was in the mirror. When Bonnie looked closely, she noticed that Elena's lips were moving, saying her name, although there was no voice at all. Soon she disappeared. In desperation, Bonnie put her hand on the mirror.

Bonnie: "Elena? Elena!"

But she didn't come back. After pausing for a while, she ran out of the bathroom.

Back in Misao's room, they all left each other's hands.

Misao: (to Elena) "You saw something(?)."

Elena: "I did.. I saw Bonnie." (looked at them) "And I think she saw me too."

Misao: "Then you told her!"

Elena: "No.. No, we couldn't hear each other."

Tatia: "Then how do you know she saw you?"

Elena: "She was excited to see something. And I doubt she feels that way about her mirror."

Misao: "Fair point."

Tatia: (to Misao) "So where does this lead us?"

Misao: (after a brief silence) "To a better position. Now Bonnie knows that Elena is here and trying to contact her. She'll reach us soon."

Elena: "What if she doesn't?"

Misao: "She's gonna have to. This spell took a lot outta me. I'm not gonna be able to do it again anytime soon. You said she saw you." (Elena nodded) "Then she knows what she has to do."

Then she left. Tatia and Elena looked at each other.

Back in Mystic Falls, the gang had gathered at Stefan and Damon's place.

Damon: "And you're sure that it was Elena?"

Caroline: "Damon's got a point. We know kitsunes come in any size and shape, any one of them could.."

Bonnie: "It was Elena. I know it."

Stefan: "Okay then new question. How can Elena contact you?"

Caroline: "Exactly."

Stefan: "She must have magic for that, and she has none."

June: "You said Tatia had a magic necklace that gives her magic. Maybe she went to her for help."

Stefan: "She wouldn't know where to find her. After betraying the kitsunes, Tatia isn't the queen anymore."

Damon: "If she isn't dead already."

Caroline: "She's a ghost, she wouldn't be dead."

Stefan: "Kitsunes have their ways."

Damon shook his head indicating he agrees.

Bonnie: "Guys, you didn't see her. She was desperate. I don't care how unlikely it seems, if she's out there and needs my help, then I will.."

Caroline: "Look I also wanna believe that we can help her. But correct me if I'm wrong. You're playing the odds that Elena single handed escaped to the Dark Dimension with Matt's lifeless body, remained safe and hidden from all those guardians, kitsunes, phantoms and trolls, .."

Damon: "Ogres."

Caroline: ".. and somehow managed to find Tatia and Klaus, convinced them to help her, and Tatia, who is so afraid to use her magic that wouldn't do so much as a locator spell, mustered enough power to break through your protections and let Elena contact you." (Caroline's argument had brought a dead silence into the room, as they all realized it is extremely unlikely) "Bonnie! Think about it!"

They looked around and at each other in sadness and silence. Even Bonnie seems to have accepted.

Stefan: "I hate to agree with Caroline, but she said right. It is not possible, Bonnie."

June: (took a few deep breaths) "We have to make sure."

Damon: "What?"

June: "Look, I heard Caroline. I know that it isn't likely. But I have to have closure. Elena is the only family I have left, and I can't just give up on her just because Caroline said a bunch of words."

Bonnie: (looked at others) "She's right. Guys, we can't just give up. If she's really gone, we have to find out!"

Damon: (nodded) "And for all we know she might actually be trying to reach out to us." (stood up) "Okay, so how do we do this?

Bonnie: (realizing what she has to do) "By me."

They looked at Bonnie.

Elena walked into her room and saw Klaus, dangerously looking at Matt's lifeless body. She spoke in panic.

Elena: "Hey!" (he looked at her. She quickly came near them) "What're you doing?"

Klaus: (stepped away indifferently) "Nothing."

Elena quickly checked Matt for bite marks. He seemed unharmed. Then looked at Klaus violently.

Elena: "What were you doing here?"

Klaus: "Where is Tatia?"

Elena: "Not here. If you want her, look elsewhere!"

Klaus slowly looked at her. His anger was clear in his eyes. And though Elena tried to remain strong, she couldn't help but feel intimidated. Suddenly Klaus came near her with his vampire speed and startled Elena.

Klaus: "Tell me, you arrogant, spoiled, doppelganger, bitch.. What is it that's stopping me from killing you right now?" (Elena couldn't say a thing) "Your life is at my mercy. Next time you speak to me, be wise to remember that!"

Then he headed to the door.

Elena: (without looking at him) "You don't deserve her." (he stopped and looked at her. She looked at him) "Tatia. She thinks so highly of you. She still thinks you're the same man who wanted to give her the whole world."

Klaus: "I could have done that."

Elena: "No you couldn't. Because you're her whole world. You can give her everything, except the one thing that she really wants. She was willing to lose everything she had just to make you happy. Except she doesn't know that nothing makes you happy. She's hopelessly in love with you, she doesn't see past that. And you couldn't care less. You don't love her. All you care about is power. Being the king. You'll hurt her. You'll be alone. But even then you will have her. And you don't deserve it."

Klaus: "You think you do? Tell me, Elena. What exactly did you do to deserve everyone risking their lives for you?"

Elena: "Because they know that if the situation was reversed, I would've given my life for them without blinking. That's love you can't compel. Or sire." (a brief silence occurred) "Bonnie told me about why she ditched you here. You had every chance to atone for your mistakes, but you flushed it all away. You're way past the stage I should feel sorry for you."

Klaus: "Being pitied by an obnoxious teenager. I guess even millennials can hit rock bottom."

Elena: "And you've nothing but yourself to blame for it."

Klaus: (threateningly took a step towards Elena) "You know, Elena, I won't stay here forever." (at that second Elena felt uncomfortable about something and looked down and around uncomfortably) "Sure enough one of these days they will find a way to send you home. And when they do, you can trust that I will come along. But I will not kill you. Instead, I will make your lives so miserable that you'll beg me to end it. Every one of you lot! Bonnie, June; you and everyone you ever cared about. You'll damn the day you heard my name!"

Only after he's finished, Klaus realized that Elena wasn't bothered by his words, but by something else. With an instinct he turned around and saw Tatia, looking at him in horror, unable to believe the things she just heard. Her eyes had watered out of sadness, heartbreak and disbelief. Seeing her like that, Klaus felt terrible.

Tatia: "Who are you?"

This made him feel worse. He attempted to go near her, but she took half a step back, meaning to tell him not to. Then she turned around and quickly left the room in shock.

Back at Salvatore's place.. Damon was weirdly looking at Bonnie. June seemed to be in deep thoughts. Bonnie's voice broke the silence.

Bonnie: "What do you guys think?"

Caroline: "We're not doing it."

Stefan pointed Caroline, indicating he agrees with her.

Bonnie: (opened her hands) "Why not?"

Caroline: "To summarize every thought that pops into my head; this is exactly what Inari wanted you to do. Now you're gonna do it voluntarily?"

Stefan: "If Inari wanted us to reach out to Misao, that means she can't contact her herself. And that means the kitsunes don't know that Elena is in Dark Dimension. Otherwise they would have sent her already."

Damon: "So if we tip off Misao that Elena is there, and she decides to capture and giftwrap her for Inari, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Caroline: "And that would mean the end of Elena, the world, and the entire human race."

Bonnie: "Alright, it was a bad idea. But what else can we do?"

Damon: "Tatia told me that Esther sent her spirit to Dark Dimension after using her in the hybrid curse. Could any of her grimores be explaining how she managed to open a portal to the Dark Dimension?"

Bonnie: "I checked that book cover to cover. There was nothing about how she did it."

Caroline: "Since when do you have Esther's grimore?"

Bonnie: "Since we killed the originals. I took it from their mansion the next day."

Caroline raised her eyebrows, indicating she had no idea.

Damon: "What I can't wrap my head around is if Tatia, with all her fear to lose her magic, found a way to reach us, why can't we do the same with our badass Bennett witch?"

Stefan: "I'm not even sure that Tatia actually did it."

Bonnie: "What do you mean?"

Stefan: "Remember when you left the Dark Dimension? All of your spells were broken. Witch spells cannot reach the other dimensions."

Caroline: "Then why are we even entertaining the idea that Tatia helped Elena reach us?"

June: "Because we're also entertaining the idea that Tatia has a doppelganger to boost her spells."

Bonnie: "Even if that were the case, we don't have a doppelganger."

June: (smiled mischievously) "That may not be true!"

Stefan: (with confusion) "Huh?"

Damon was also confused. He looked at June with questioning eyes.

June: "Remember the first day angels came to Mystic Falls. They said that with the proper spell, any member of the Petrova line can function as a doppelganger."

Damon: (with a hopeful voice) "Damn right they said it!"

Bonnie: (cheerfully) "Oh my god!"

June: "So we call Meredith and Chris, get the spell, turn me into a doppelganger, use me to boost a spell, contact Tatia, contact Elena!"

Bonnie laughed subtly with happiness.

Stefan: (to June) "How come you're smarter than all of us?"

June smiled genuinely.

Damon: "Okay, let's do this!"

Misao opened Inari's door. She seemed to be sneaking in, as she was trying to make sure no one in or out has seen her. After she made sure, she got in and closed the door. Then started looking around with questioning eyes.

Misao: "Now, if I was a paranoid million year old kitsune god, where would I hide my magic fluid stash.."

Then she started trying to push or move everything that seems out of place. She looked for buttons at the table, or secret doors under the mat. There was nothing. She used her magic to see if there was anything cloaked. But she didn't seem strong enough. She looked at the window, then pulled her head out of it to notice something unusual. But everything looked normal. She slowly hit the lower frame in desperation. Then turned around without moving away. Only then she realized something. The light coming into the room from the window had revealed something when looking from her angle. A part of the wall seemed less dusty than everywhere else. She curiously headed there and knocked the wall. The sound coming from it was just like the rest of the wall. Thinking it must be a door that opens with a specific magic, she realized there was only one way into that room, and there was only one way to get the spell. She had to resort to the memory of the walls.

She took a few deep breaths, then closed her eyes and raised her hands with her palms facing the wall, indicating she was preparing to cast a powerful spell. As her breaths have become quicker, time started going backwards in the room. She saw herself going out of the room, a random guardian appearing every now and then. Finally she saw Inari, coming out of the portal she jumped in to go to Earth. Misao was growing more tired and the spell had started fading. She tried to keep it up, but Inari seemed to be taking her time deciding whether to go or not. Eventually Misao couldn't keep her magic going any longer. She stopped and held her head in pain. She desperately looked at the wall, as she knew she wasn't gonna be able to go further back to speak the spell needed.

Klaus was walking after Tatia.

Klaus: "Tatia, wait!" (she wouldn't slow down. Upon this he used his vampire speed and went ahead of her. She was forced to stop) "Please, let me explain!"

Tatia: "What're you gonna explain?" (this caught Klaus off guard) "Huh?" (he turned his back unable to give an answer) "Do you love me?"

Klaus: (looked at her) "I did."

Tatia: (nodded with sadness. Her voice cracked) "Did(?)."

Klaus: "I thought you were dead. I moved on."

Tatia: (briefly paused, indicating that wasn't what she was asking) "Do you love me now?" (now Klaus paused) "This is a simple question. Yes, or no."

Klaus: "It's not that simple."

Tatia: "Yeah. Although your answers are pretty straight when it comes to Elena."

Klaus: "What do you expect me to do? Just forgive her?"

Tatia: "Forgive her? It's her who should do the forgiving! She told me everything. Not just her aunt, but also her mother. And how you used her against her own daughter, and leaving her no choice but to kill herself." (a brief silence occurred) "She told me she died screaming! How could you do that? Who are you?"

Klaus: "I told you I changed. And you still wanted me."

Tatia: "If only that were the reason you're here. But we both know it's not. I'm nothing but a consolation prize for you. She was right. Nothing makes you happy. Nothing ever will. I was blinded by the face you're wearing and failed to see past it. But it was there all this time. You're not my Nik. You've become this.. Klaus person that everyone, for a very good reason, hates." (Klaus dropped a tear in sadness) "Get out of my sight!"

Then she walked away in anger and sadness.

Stefan and June were in the other room, presumably talking to Chris or Meredith on phone. The rest were still in living room, waiting. Suddenly Caroline's phone buzzed with a text message. As soon as she read it her looks changed. Then looked at others.

Caroline: "I gotta go. Mom just told me Gwen was spotted in town."

Bonnie: (surprised) "I thought you compelled her to leave."

Caroline: "I did. And if she's still here, that means she was on vervain, and if she was on vervain that means.."

Bonnie: "She knows about vampires!"

Caroline: "And she knows about me."

Damon: "Who's Gwen?"

Bonnie: "The private eye investigating the fire at Elena's home."

Damon: "I thought the official reports said it was an accident."

Caroline: "If she knows about supernatural, and is half as smart as she looks, she must have figured out it's a lie." (looked at them) "We need to take care of her."

As she stood up and headed to the door, Bonnie looked at her friend almost unable to recognize her. Even Damon was confused about her behavior.

Bonnie: (to Damon) "I think one of us should.."

Damon: (understood and interrupted her) "Go with her? Yeah."

As Damon grabbed his jacket and followed Caroline, Bonnie was clearly worried about Gwen.

Cut to..
Caroline had already left the apartment and put a little distance when Damon went out. He started following Caroline until eventually he spoke.

Damon: "So what's the plan here, blondie?"

Caroline: "Plan?"

Damon: "What're you gonna do when you find this chick?"

Caroline: "I figured that depends on my mood and her behavior when I do."

Damon: "Well, you're not wrong."

Caroline: (suddenly stopped turned to him. He was quick to come close) "What do you want, Damon? Why are you following me?"

Damon: "I just don't want you to do something rash."

Caroline: (chuckled) "That's rich!"

Damon: "Look I don't know what phase you're in, but you're not acting like yourself!"

Caroline: "Old days are over, Damon. We're creatures not meant to be bound by rules. And since the council's down to you, Carol and my mom, who cares if I do or don't?"

Damon: "Your friends care."

Caroline: "Well then let them speak for themselves, because you're not my friend! And I'm sure as hell not gonna stand here and be lectured by you of all people, about restraint!"

Then she turned around and left with her vampire speed. Damon remained in shock, unable to believe what he just heard.

Stefan entered the living room, followed by a pouting June. Bonnie noticed both were down.

Bonnie: "What happened?"

Stefan: (noticed Damon and Caroline were gone) "Where are they?"

Bonnie: "Something came up. They had to leave."

Stefan: (raised his eyebrows quickly and sat) "Something came up alright."

Bonnie: "What do you mean?"

Stefan: "They don't know how to turn a Petrova person into a doppelganger. Pure bloods were the only ones who knew it, and the spell died with them."

Bonnie: (fixed her looks on Stefan in disappointment and shock) "That's bad news." (Stefan sighed quietly, indicating he agrees) "That's really really really really bad news!" (June raised her head slowly, as if she was thinking of something) "That was our only shot!"

Stefan: "We're not going anywhere with that, so I'm open to new ideas."

June: "You think we can use Matt?"

Bonnie: (looked at her) "How's that gonna work?"

June: "Inari said she gave the magic fluid to Elena to bring Matt back to life, but instead she used it to open a portal. So Matt is not alive there. His spirit is here, but his body is there. Maybe we can use him as a connection."

Bonnie: (seemed interested) "Go on."

June: "I don't know."

Stefan: "No, but you may be on to something." (Bonnie seemed to agree) "Elena wouldn't leave Matt alone, so if we can exploit it, we might just talk to Elena."

Bonnie: "Even if that would work, we'd need Matt's ghost present."

June: "He'd be somewhere close to where Inari killed him."

Stefan: "We don't know where that is."

Bonnie: "Anyone feeling like using an ouija board?"

Stefan: (couldn't help but smile for a second) "If you think that actually works.."

Bonnie shrugged and smiled, meaning to say it was a joke.

June: "What if we go astral?"

Bonnie: "You're coming up with a lot of crazy ideas and I don't like it."

June: "As long as they don't top murdering someone in cold blood, I suppose we're good!"

Bonnie: (in shock) "Excuse me!?"

Stefan: (with disbelief) "June!"

June: (to Bonnie, with a persistent voice) "Would it work?"

Bonnie: (looked at Stefan. He looked somewhere else in disappointment. She looked back at June) "Yeah. Ghost to ghost we could summon him easier."

June: "Then we're doing it."

Stefan: "June.."

June: "We're doing it!" (Bonnie and Stefan looked at each other. She caught that) "Or just tell me that I'm on my own."

Bonnie looked at June in silence for a while, then slowly shook her head.

Bonnie: "You're not."

June: (with a cold voice) "Good."

Caroline was compelling a shop owner.

Caroline: "Forget everything that just happened."

As the man returned to his job, Caroline headed out. As soon as she got out, she saw Damon, leaned to the wall and waiting. She scoffed and walked the other way.

Caroline: "Have you literally got nothing better to do?"

Damon: (straightened and followed her) "I think I know what your problem is."

Caroline: "Oh yeah? Do enlighten me."

Damon: "You're jealous."

Caroline: "Jealous?"

Damon: "You can't stand that everyone's going bent over backwards crazy for Elena, and that you lost everyone who loved you."

Caroline: "I didn't lose anyone."

Damon: "What about Tyler?" (upon this Caroline stopped walking. Damon came closer to her) "Or Matt?" (Caroline turned to him) "Can you look me in the eye and tell me you don't really care about them?"

She slowly took her head closer to his, and spoke with an empty voice.

Caroline: "I really don't care."

Then turned around to walk away, but Damon used his vampire speed to get ahead of her.

Damon: "I don't believe you."

Caroline: "I don't have to convince you."

Damon: (with a sudden thought) "Did you flip your switch?"

Caroline: (couldn't believe the question) "What am I, pathetic?"

She continued walking. Damon walked with her.

Damon: "You lost your friends. You avoid your mom. The only person you've spoken more than two words in the last couple months is me. You've got this bad girl vibe going on which doesn't suit you. Everything in your life is upside down. You're hostile, mean.. alone." (Caroline slowed her steps) "And I haven't once seen you smile since the night we returned. That used to be a defining characteristic of you." (Caroline stopped. She was looking down thoughtfully. Damon went near her and spoke with a worried voice) "What is going on, Caroline? Really?"

Caroline looked at Damon. She looked genuinely worried this time. They remained quiet for a while. Eventually she spoke.

Caroline: "I feel different. It's like, my whole personality is shifting. I feel irritable all the time. I say bad stuff and most of the time I don't even mean it, but when I say it it's too late. There's a darkness in me. I know it's there, I can feel it! I can feel it grow, I can feel it taking over me. And there's nothing I can do about it."

Damon: "You seem fine right now."

Caroline: "It comes and goes. But whatever it is, piece by piece, it's turning me into someone that I'm not."

Damon: "Why didn't say something before?"

Caroline: "I wanted to." (suddenly her voice started becoming more aggressive) "But as usual Caroline's problems are never a priority!"

Damon: "Caroline?"

Caroline: "It's coming back. I should go before I say something else I'm gonna regret." (looked at him) "Don't follow me!"

Then disappeared with vampire speed. Damon looked in confusion at the direction she went.

Back in the Salvatore's place, Bonnie, June and Stefan were sitting on the floor.

Stefan: "Wouldn't I ruin I spell?"

Bonnie: "On the contrary. Normally one person would go and one would be the anchor, but since we're both going, we need someone powerful to be the anchor." (looked at June) "You ready?"

She nodded. Bonnie looked at Stefan. He nodded too. Upon this they held hands and formed a triangle, and Bonnie started her spell. Immediately June felt sleepy, and Stefan felt dizzy. Soon Bonnie and June fainted. Only Stefan remained awake.

Bonnie and June found themselves in the Other Side, but they had no idea where they were.

June: "Where are we?"

Bonnie: (looked around. There was no sign anywhere) "I don't know."

Cut to..
They were walking on an empty street. The quiet was so disturbing.

June: "I thought you could see the physical plane from the other side."

Bonnie: "We can."

June: (almost as if she already knew the answer) "Then where is everyone?"

Bonnie: "I think the town is deserted, or.."

She didn't complete her sentence, but June understood.

June: (sadly and anxiously) "Everyone's killed!"

Bonnie looked at her in silence for a while as they kept walking.

Bonnie: "When did you find out?" (June looked at her) "About what I did to.. Natalie?"

June: (looked away) "I don't remember. I think it was.. when I touched Damon, when he came back.. or when I touched you when.. we were bringing Elena, I don't.. I don't remember." (looked at her) "How could you do it?"

Bonnie looked at her. She wasn't judging, there was no contempt. She was just trying to understand.

Bonnie: (sighed) "I have no excuse. I was at a weak moment, and Misao took advantage of that. I let myself be manipulated. I wanted it to be real."

June: "Wanted what to be real?"

Bonnie: "Her and me."

June: "Why would you even want that?"

Bonnie: "Because when we hit rock bottom, we need something to help us keep going. Even though deep down you know it's a lie, you want to believe it. You embrace it, because it's what you need. A shred of hope, that things might actually be alright again."

June: "I don't understand."

Bonnie: "It's the same reason you're doing all these crazy stuff. Making deals with Klaus, turning yourself into a doppelganger, going to the Other Side.. We never know how low we can reach until someone pushes our pressure point. For me it was Antonio. For you it's Elena."

June looked away, she seemed like she understood her point.

June: "Look I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

Bonnie: (smiled) "Don't sweat it."

June: "I don't know what came over me."

Bonnie: (sighed) "You weren't wrong though. I did kill her in cold blood, and that's something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life."

June: (looked around) "I think this is where Matt was killed."

Bonnie: "We should have found him already."

June: "How do we even summon him?"

Bonnie: "All we need to is think about him. He'll sense it, and if he wants, he'll come."

June: "Then he doesn't wanna see us(?)."

Bonnie: (looked at her) "I don't know."

Then held her head with her hands. June saw it.

June: "What?"

Bonnie: "I'm just tired of running into dead ends everywhere I turn."

June: (looked at a random point in silence for a while) "I think I'm having another crazy thought."

Bonnie: (lowered her hands and looked at her worriedly) "What?"

June: "We don't die as ghosts, right?"

Bonnie: "If you can think of a way to be more dead than this.."

June: "So technically we can channel to each other and harness more power than usual."

Bonnie: "Much more. Where are you getting at?"

June: "I think I want to use my kitsune magic and see if I can reach to the other dimension. You amplifying it as a ghost and me using it as a ghost might just give me enough power to.."

Bonnie: (interrupted her enthusiastically) "To make inter-dimensional access! That could work!"

June: "Could?"

Bonnie: "Look, Misao and I are connected. If I allow you to use your kitsune magic, which comes from Misao, she might find out what we're up to. And too many things could go wrong. She could find Tatia and destroy her, or use you as a connection like she once did and get into my head."

June: (looked in desperation) "I understand."

Bonnie: (looked around once more) "I guess there's nothing more we can do here.

June: "You were right though." (Bonnie looked at her. June raised her head and looked at Bonnie) "Elena is my pressure point, that's why I'm sorry, but I have to do this!"

Then before Bonnie could object, or even react, June quickly grabbed Bonnie's arm and tried to reach out to Elena. Bonnie inhaled sharply through her teeth with the sudden grasp. June's eyes had turned full-white. As much as it freak out Bonnie, June almost seemed like she had reached the peak of her strength.

June was feeling like her conscience was travelling really fast almost to a specific target through a pitch black space. But even thought whatever she was doing seemed to be working, it quickly became too much to handle for June. Her body started to shake like she was having a fit. Bonnie started yelling her name. Her voice echoed in the endless darkness, but she kept going. Back in the physical plane, Stefan felt June squeezing his hand so hard that it almost hurt him. He looked at the two in confusion, clearly wondering what was going on. Eventually the endless dark became a void for June, and what started as a subtle moan, quickly turned into screaming in pain and fear. Even her body in the physical plane started shaking and making weird sounds. Bonnie looked at June in worry. There was no room for hesitation. She had to pull her out of there.

They woke up back in Salvatore's house with a sharp move. Stefan jumped back. June seemed to be still trying to keep going, but she was clearly gaining her consciousness back. Stefan and Bonnie looked at each other, as June slowly opened her eyes and cooled down. She was breathing deeply and loudly, indicating she went through something dreadful and traumatic.

Elena was in her room, looking outside her window. There was nothing exciting out there, but seemed like it was the only thing to do here. Her door opened. She looked at the reflection from the window and saw that it was Klaus. He looked around for a while, then entered and went near Elena slowly. She returned to looking outside, as if she was ignoring his presence. Still, he came all the way near her and he too started looking outside. An awkward silence took place for a while, until eventually he spoke.

Klaus: "I'm sorry." (Elena clearly wasn't expecting this. She didn't turn her head, but she looked confused) "Tatia told me about your mother. How she died." (looked at her) "She loved you. She knew you hated her, but she still loved you with all her heart. I guess there are some bonds that just cannot be broken. Blood is the most powerful of all. I know I caused you so much pain. I killed your mother, your aunt. And on top of that, your father. And for that I'm sorry." (Elena slowly looked at him. Things she heard had totally caught her off guard) "I know it's not enough, but.."

Elena: "If you mean it, it's a start."

Klaus: "But you were wrong when you said nothing makes me happy. There are some things that I never truly appreciated until I lost them, and I only lost them because I always wanted more. I've been vain, greedy, cruel.. selfish. And because of that I lost everything. My family, my home, my world.. And now the woman I love." (Elena almost felt sorry for him) "I know I don't deserve it, but I need another chance." (looked at her) "I need to win her back!"

Elena didn't know what to do or say, but she was clearly moved. Suddenly the door opened and Tatia entered. She seemed excited about something.

Tatia: "Elena. We need to talk."

Elena: "What happened?"

Tatia: "I felt something. It was quick and sudden, but I felt it. Misao is on her way too. I think your friends tried to contact us."

Elena suddenly filled with hope, a happiness appeared on her face.

Damon opened the door and walked in. Bonnie and Stefan were home, talking, but they stopped when they saw him.

Stefan: "Caroline?"

Damon: "Told her not to come."

Bonnie: (confused) "Why would you do that?"

Damon: "Because something's happening to her."

Bonnie: "That's why we need to be there for her, not distance ourselves with her."

Damon: "You're not gonna solve this one with friendship. Trust me, this is something else."

He poured himself a glass of alcohol.

Stefan: "What're you saying, she's under a spell?"

Damon: "I think so. She said whatever's making her behave this way, a darkness, as she put it, comes and goes." (turned to them) "Like those damn kitsune spells!"

Bonnie: (she and Stefan looked at each other) "Not possible." (looked at Damon) "Kitsune magic doesn't work on vampires."

Damon: "I think someone's trying to change that. And I think Caroline is their test subject."

Bonnie: "But why her?"

Stefan: (in shock) "Who other than the best of us is better to test their spells on?"

Damon: (pointed him, meaning he agrees with him) "If they can make her bad, imagine what they can do to rest of us!"

Bonnie: (looked in shock) "Oh my god! So all this time, when Caroline was.. out of character, bad, violent.."

Stefan: "It wasn't her. It was never her!"

Damon: (sat to the side of an empty armchair) "What about you two? Any good news?"

Stefan: "Uh.. Not so much, no."

Damon: "So it didn't work?"

Stefan: "There were complications."

Bonnie: "All of our plans failed. Eventually June tried something but.. even that didn't work."

Stefan: "That's one way to say it."

Bonnie quickly looked at Stefan, unable to believe he said that.

Damon: "Why, what happened?"

Bonnie: (looked at him) "As her legal guardian, you're better off not knowing."

Damon: (understood it was bad) "Is she okay?"

Bonnie: (nodded reassuringly) "She's resting."

Suddenly they heard a voice from the other side of the room.

June: "I'm okay."

They looked at her. Her voice was kind of sleepy and her hair was funny. She looked like she just got out of bed.

Bonnie: "You should be resting."

June: "I was scared. Not tired. And I've been through worse. I'm fine."

Bonnie: "You're sure?" (she nodded silently) "Good." (with a strict voice) "You're not doing that again. You hear me? You're NOT doing that again!"

June: "I know." (Bonnie calmed down) "But it wasn't for nothing. I saw something, right before I came back." (they looked at her curiously) "I saw Elena." (they got excited) "And Tatia.." (hesitated) "..and Misao." (they looked at her with confusion. Even June seemed to be trying to wrap her head around it. Eventually she spoke) "I think they were working together."

None of them were expecting this. They looked at each other in confusion.


Main Characters[]

Recurring Characters[]

Trivia & Notes[]

  • This is the second time Misao resorts to the "memory of the walls" spell, a unique ability that no other kitsune or witch has shown. First time she did it was in Ice Lake, the 100th episode of the series.

Cultural References[]
